
Human Proteome Project (HPP): Teikning sem nær yfir 90.4% af Human Proteome sem gefið er út

Human Proteome Project (HPP) was launched in 2010 after successful completion of Human Genome Project (HGP) to identify, characterise and map manna proteome (the entire set of proteins expressed by the manna genome). On its tenth anniversary, HPP has released the first high-stringency blueprint that covers 90.4% of the manna proteome. As the code of life, this milestone has very significant implications for manna health and therapeutics.   

Lokið í 2003, Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international collaboration set up in 1990 with an aim to identify the complete set of manna genes and to determine the complete sequence of DNA bases in the manna genome. On January 15, 2001, HGP had released initial sequence and analysis of the manna genome. Identifying, characterizing and mapping of manna proteome (entire complement of proteins coded by the genome) was the next logical step. Therefore, Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) was formed on February 9, 2001 to promote proteomics research. On September 23, 2010 HUPO officially launched Human Proteome Project (HPP) with an aim to prepare a blueprint of the manna Próteinmengi (1).  

Greiningin á manna erfðamengi predicts around 20,300 protein-coding genes. The entire set of proteins coded by these genes constitute the ‘manna proteome’. Human proteome is much larger than ‘human genome’ because one gene can be expressed in range of forms (proteoforms) as a result of chemical modifications during and after translation. It is estimated that a million proteoforms may coexist in a single individual. In 2010, at the start of HPP, barely 70% of the proteins predicted by the genome analysis were identified. The agenda of the proteome project was to fill this knowledge gap. With the advances in technology, it has become possible to detect and quantify proteins and their forms with higher precision. Still, there are a good number of missing proteins (prótein spáð fyrir um af erfðamengigreiningunni, en enn ógreint) (2,3). Verkefnið er enn í vinnslu; þó er áfangi náð. 

Þann 16. október 2020, á tíu ára afmæli sínu, gaf HPP út fyrstu ströngu teikninguna sem nær yfir 90.4% af próteómi mannsins. (1). Þetta bætir umtalsvert þekkingu okkar á líffræði mannsins og skilning á sameindaháttum á frumu- og sameindastigi, sérstaklega hlutverki mannlegs próteóms sem leiðir beint til rannsókna og þróunar á greiningu og meðferðum fyrir krabbamein, hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma og smitsjúkdóma, sérstaklega fyrir persónulega og nákvæmni lyf (4)

Þróun Human Prótein Atlas sýnir mjög mikilvægar framfarir fyrir frekari rannsóknir á sviði greiningar og meðferðar á mönnum (5,6).  



  1. HUPO 2021. Proteomics tímalína. Í boði á  
  1. neXtProt 2021. Prótein mannsins. Fæst á netinu á Skoðað 30. desember 2020. 
  1. Inserm, 2020. Proteomics: lífskóði þýddur um meira en 90%. Sent 07. desember 2020. Aðgengilegt á netinu á Skoðað 30. desember 2020.  
  1. Adhikari, S., Nice, EC, Deutsch, EW o.fl. 2020. Háþröng teikning af próteómi mannsins. Birt: 16. október 2020. Nature Communication 11, 5301 (2020). DOI:  
  1. Digre A., og Lindskog C., 2020. The Human Protein Atlas – Spatial localization of the human proteome in health and disease. Protein Science Volume 30, Issue 1. Fyrst birt: 04. nóvember 2020. DOI:  
  1. The Human Protein Atlas 2020. Human Protein Atlas Fáanlegt á netinu á Skoðað 30. desember 2020. 


Umesh Prasad
Umesh Prasad
Vísindablaðamaður | Stofnandi ritstjóri Scientific European tímarits

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