
„Gateway“ Lunar geimstöð „Artemis Mission“: UAE til að útvega loftlás  

UAE’s MBR Space Centre has collaborated with NASA to provide an airlock for the first tungl pláss station Gateway that will sporbraut á Moon to support long-term exploration of the Moon undir NASA Artemis Milliplanetary Mission. Loftlás er millihólf með tveimur loftþéttum hurðum sem gerir kleift að fara á milli svæða með mismunandi loftþrýstingi. 

Earlier in 2020, European Space Agency (ESA) had partnered with NASA að leggja til búsetu- og eldsneytiseiningar til hliðsins.  

Gateway will be humanity’s first pláss station in deep pláss, Sem bylgja outpost in near- rectilinear halo sporbraut (NRHO) around the Moon. It will act as the point of aggregation for crewed vehicle, Human landing system, logistic supply craft and vehicles transiting further into deep pláss til mars and will provide vital support for a long-term human presence on the Moon and beyond on mars. Habitation module, Refuelling module, Power and Propulsion Element, Airlock, Robotic system, are some important components of the Gateway.  

Gateway, alongwith Space Launch System, Orion spacecraft, Human Landing System, Surface Operations, Exploration Ground Systems, Space Communications & Navigation, Surface Mobility, Spacesuits, and Surface Infrastructure form important components of Artemis mission hardware.  

Artemis Moon Mission will build a base camp on the tungl surface to give astronauts a home to live and work on the Moon. This nly create long-term human presence on and around the Moon in preparation for human missions and habitations on mars. Artemis is a beginning towards deep pláss human habitation for making humans a multi-reikistjarna tegundir.  



  1. NASA 2024. Fréttir – NASA, Sameinuðu arabísku furstadæmin tilkynna Artemis Lunar Gateway Airlock. Sent 07. janúar 2024. Fæst á 
  2. NASA 2024. Mission – Gateway. Fæst kl  
  3. Lehnhardt E., and Connell D., 2024. The Gateway Program as Part of NASA’s Plans for Human Exploration Beyond Low Earth Sporbraut. IEEE Aerospace Conference (AeroConf), 2024.  Available at  
  4. Fuller S., et al 2022. Staða og yfirlit gáttarforrits. Journal of Space Safety Engineering. 9. bindi, 4. hefti, desember 2022, bls. 625-628. DOI:  
  5. Cohen B., 2023. Artemis Dagskrá Yfirlit. Þrekvísindasmiðja, 2023. Í boði á 


Umesh Prasad
Umesh Prasad
Vísindablaðamaður | Stofnandi ritstjóri Scientific European tímarits

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