
Blossar frá Ofurmassive Binary Black Hole OJ 287 setja skorður á „No Hair Theorem“

NASA infra-red observatory Spitzer has recently observed the flare from gigantic binary svarthol system OJ 287, within the estimated time interval predicted by the model developed by astrophysicists. This observation has tested different aspects of General Relativity, the “No-hair theorem”, and proved that OJ 287 is indeed a source of infra-red Þyngdarbylgjur.

The Stjtíð. EB 287 Galaxy, situated in Cancer constellation 3.5 billion light years away from Earth, has two svarthol – the larger one with over 18 billion times the massi of the Sun and orbiting this is a smaller svarthol with about 150 million times the solar massi, and they form a binary svarthol system. While orbiting the larger one, the smaller svarthol crashes through the enormous accretion disk of gas and dust surrounding its larger companion, creating a flash of light brighter than a trillion stjörnur.

Því minni svarthol collides with the accretion disk of the larger one twice in every twelve years. However, due to its irregular oblong sporbraut (called quasi-Keplarian in the mathematical terminology, as shown in the figure below), the flares can appear at different times – sometimes as little as one year apart; other times, as much as 10 years apart (1). Several attempts to model the sporbraut and predicting when flares would happen were unsuccessful until in 2010, when astrophysicists created a model that could predict their occurrence with an error of about one to three weeks. The accuracy of the model was demonstrated by predicting the appearance of a flare in December 2015 to within three weeks.

Another important piece of information that went into the making of a successful theory of binary svarthol system OJ 287 is the fact that supermassive svarthol can be sources of þyngdarbylgjur – which has been established after the experimental observation of the þyngdarbylgjur in 2016, produced during the merging of two supermassive svarthol. OJ 287 has been predicted to be the source of infra-red þyngdarbylgjur (2).

Mynd sem sýnir braut minni BH OJ287 á árunum 2000 og 2023 (1),(3).

In 2018, a group of astrophysicists provided an even more detailed model, and claimed to be able to predict the timing of future flares to within few hours (3). According to this model, the next flare would occur on July 31, 2019 and the time was predicted with an error of 4.4 hours. It also predicted the brightness of the impact-induced flare to take place during that event. The event was captured and confirmed by NASA Spitzer Space Telescope (4), which retired in January 2020. To observe the predicted event, Spitzer was our only hope since this flare could not be seen by any other telescope on the ground or in Earth’s sporbraut, as the Sun was in Cancer constellation with OJ 287 and Earth being on opposite sides of it. This observation also proved that OJ 287 emits þyngdarbylgjur in the infra-red wavelength, as predicted. According to this proposed theory the impact-induced flare from OJ 287 is expected to take place in 2022.

Athuganir þessara blysa setja skorður á „Engin hársetning” (5,6) which states that while svarthol don’t have true surfaces, there is a boundary around them beyond which nothing – not even light – can escape. This boundary is called the event horizon. This theorem also postulates that the matter which forms a black-hole or is falling into it “disappears” behind the svarthol event horizon and is therefore permanently inaccessible to external observers, suggesting that svarthol have “no hair”. One immediate consequence of the theorem is that the svarthol can be characterized completely with their massi, electric charge and intrinsic spin. According to some scientists, this outer edge of the black-hole, i.e. the event horizon, could be bumpy or irregular, thus contradicting the “No hair theorem”. However, if one has to prove the correctness of the “No hair theorem”, the only plausible explanation is that the uneven mass distribution of the large black-hole would distort the pláss around it in such a manner that it would lead to a change of path of the smaller svarthol, and in turn change the timing of the black hole’s collision with the accretion disk on that particular sporbraut, thus causing a change in the time of appearance of the flares observed.

Eins og má búast við, svarthol are hard to probe. Hence, as we move forward, many more experimental observations regarding svarthol interactions, with the surroundings as well as with other black holes, are to be studied before one can confirm the validity of the “No hair theorem”.



  1. Valtonen V., Zola S., et al. 2016, „Aðalsvartholssnúningur í OJ287 eins og ákvarðaður er af aldarafmælisblossi almennra afstæðiskenninga“, Astrophys. J. Lett. 819 (2016) nr.2, L37. DOI:
  2. Abbott BP., et al. 2016. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration), "Athugun á þyngdarbylgjum frá tvíundar svartholssamruna", Phys. Séra Lett. 116, 061102 (2016). DOI:
  3. Dey L., Valtonen MJ., Gopakumar A. et al 2018. „Að sannvotta tilvist afstæðishyggjumikils svarthols tvískips í OJ 287 Using General Relativity Centenary Flare: Improved Orbital Parameters“. Stjörnufræði. J. 866, 11 (2018). DOI:
  4. Laine S., Dey L., et al 2020. „Spitzer Observations of the Predicted Eddington Flare from Blazar OJ 287“. Astrophysical Journal Letters, bindi. 894, nr. 1 (2020). DOI:
  5. Gürlebeck, N., 2015. „No-Hair Theorem for Black Holes in Astrophysical Environments“, Líkamleg Letters Review 114, 151102 (2015). DOI:
  6. Hawking Stephen W., o.fl. 2016. Mjúkt hár á svörtum holum.


Shamayita Ray PhD
Shamayita Ray PhD
Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC, Trivandrum, Indlandi.

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