
The Fast Radio Burst, FRB 20220610A er upprunnið frá skáldsögunni  

Fast útvarp Burst FRB 20220610A, the most powerful radio burst ever observed was detected on 10 June 2022. It had originated from a source that existed 8.5 billion years ago when the alheimurinn was just 5 billion years old which makes the source farthest known for an FRB. The source was thought to be either a single, irregular Galaxy or a group of three distant galaxies. However, study of images captured by Hubble telescope on follow-up after its discovery reveals seven sources, one of which was identified as the host Galaxy. The host Galaxy was also determined to be a star-forming Galaxy. The study identified the system as a compact Galaxy group whose members showed signs of interaction among themselves. Galaxies in compact groups are uncommon, hence the finding of FRB 20220610A originating in such an environment presents a novel origin of FRBs.  

Hratt útvarpsbylgjur (FRB), einnig kallaðar Lorimer-sprengjur, eru afar orkumikil útvarpsbylgjur. Þau eru mjög stutt og vara í nokkrar millisekúndur. Frá fyrstu uppgötvun þess árið 2007 af Duncan Lorimer hafa um 1000 FRB fundist.   

The fast radio burst FRB 20220610A was detected on 10 June 2022. Four times more energetic than closer FRBs, it was the most powerful fast radio burst (FRB) ever observed. It had originated from its source that existed 8.5 billion years ago when the alheimurinn was only 5 billion years old. The FRB had travelled for 8.5 billion years to reach Hubble. The source was the farthest known so far for any FRB and thought to be either a single, irregular Galaxy or a group of three distant galaxies.  

However, sharp images captured by the Hubble telescope on follow-up after its discovery has revealed that the source of FRB 20220610A was not ‘one monolithic Galaxy’. Usually, FRBs originate from isolated galaxies. Instead, this fast radio burst had originated from an interacting system of at least seven galaxies in proximity on the path of merging. This development broadens the list of possible sources of FRBs.  

The origin and mechanism of formation FBR is not clearly understood. Nevertheless, it is agreed that highly compact bodies like neutron stjörnu or svarthol are involved in generation of powerful radio blasts. Extreme physics phenomena such as collision of svarthol or neutron stjörnu, starquakes when the crust of a neutron stjörnu undergoes sudden adjustments, sudden snaping of tangled magnetic fields of most intensely magnetic type of neutron stars (a process akin to formation of solar flares but at much higher scale), periodic interaction of magnetospheres of a pair of bylgja nifteindar stjörnur are some of possible mechanisms of formation of Fast radio bursts (FRBs).  

Vísindin um uppruna og aðferð við myndun hraðvirkra útvarpsbyra (FRBs) eru að mestu ófullkomin, en nýjasta rannsóknin fyllir nokkurt þekkingarskort.  



  1. Hubblesseymi NASA. Fréttir - Hubble finnur undarlegt heimili lengsta hraðvirkasta útvarpsbyrjunar. Sent þann 09. janúar 2024. Fæst á  
  2. Gordon AC, et al 2023. A Fast Radio Burst í Compact Galaxy Group á z~1. Forprentun arXiv:2311.10815v1. Lagt fram 17. nóvember 2023. DOI: 


Umesh Prasad
Umesh Prasad
Vísindablaðamaður | Stofnandi ritstjóri Scientific European tímarits

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